The origin of life cannot be precisely dated, but there is evidence that bacteria-like organisms lived on Earth 3.5 billion years ago, and may have existed even earlier, when the first solid crust was formed, about 4 billion years ago. These early organisms must have been much simpler than the organisms living today. Furthermore, before the earliest organisms there must have been structures that no one would call “living”, But now they are components of living things.
Today, all organisms store and transmit genetic information using two types of molecules: DNA and RNA. Each of these molecules is in turn composed of four types of subunits called nucleotides. Sequences of nucleotides in specific lengths of DNA or RNA, called genes, direct the construction of molecules known as proteins, that catalyse biochemical reactions, provide building blocks for organisms, and perform many other functions on which life depends. Proteins consist of chains of subunits called amino acids.
The sequence of nucleotides in DNA and RNA therefore determines the sequence of amino acids in proteins. It is a central mechanism in all organisms.
Many religious people, including many scientists, believe that God created the universe and the various processes that drive physical and biological evolution and that these processes resulted in galaxies, our solar system, and life on Earth was created. This belief, sometimes called “religious evolution,” does not contradict scientific explanations of evolution. Indeed, it reflects the remarkable and inspiring character of the physical universe, which is reflected in cosmology, palaeontology, molecular biology, and many other scientific fields. . Humans have larger brains, which enable more advanced cognitive skills that enable them to thrive and adapt to different environments, develop more complex tools, and create complex social structures and civilizations.
Humans are highly social. Individual humans belong to a multi layered network of cooperative, estranged, or even competitive social groups—from families and peer groups to corporations and political states. Thus, social interactions between humans have established a wide variety of values, social norms, languages, and traditions (collectively called institutions), each of which underpins human society. Humans are also very curious: the desire to understand and influence phenomena has driven the human development of science, technology, philosophy, mythology, religion, and other structures of knowledge. Humans also study themselves through fields such as anthropology, social science, history, psychology, and medicine. As of April 2024, it is estimated that more than 8 billion people are alive.
FAITH (Beliefs)
Beliefs play a significant role in human life, influencing our thoughts, emotions, and actions.Beliefs provide a framework for understanding the world and our place in it, giving life meaning and direction.
Beliefs can inspire and motivate individuals to work towards a common goal or strive for personal growth. Beliefs can offer emotional comfort, solace, and reassurance, especially during times of uncertainty or hardship. Shared beliefs can bring people together, creating a sense of community and social bonding. Beliefs are often deeply tied to cultural and personal identity, shaping our values, customs, and traditions.
Let’s start an interesting story. There are about four thousand to four thousand three hundred different faiths in this beautiful world. How are these beliefs formed? How are our thoughts formed? From all we will take only seven popular in this world.
Between two and three million sperms raced each place in seven different locations around the world, with only one winning the race at each location. Each of the seven conquerors comes to this beautiful world after completing all their actions. Each of these conquerors comes into the world and begins the quest for knowledge.
Sense is the most basic source of knowledge. It involves gathering information through our five senses—sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell. This type of knowledge is based on direct observation and interaction with the world around us. Each winner hears and sees a different but common goal. Everyone gets their first knowledge from their mothers and every mother has different thoughts and different beliefs. Every mother is perfect in her ideas because every month she wants to give her best to her winner. After knowledge through seeing and hearing, the process of speaking begins. The human brain relies on the seven senses—sight, touch, taste, smell, and sound—to create experiences and develop cognitive abilities. When all conquerors begin to learn through all the senses, the learning process of all is the same but the knowledge is different.
Every conqueror acquires knowledge according to his parents, his society and his ancestors. Through this process of learning, each winner develops his own beliefs, ideas and ideology. Those who actually do not make themselves winners. All these ideas and beliefs are actually internalized by those who have gone through the earlier learning process. Every conqueror is forced to believe that his beliefs are only acceptable in this world because they have history books and creed books that preserve and accept his beliefs.
In this world, knowledge was in the form of senses in the human mind, which turned into books. Books are now the main source of information. When someone expresses ideas in writing, they usually do so to express themselves, to inform their reader, to persuade the reader, or to create a literary work. All seven winners are at the same stage of life. No one has his own faith. Every winner is what society has taught him. The question arises as to who is on the right faith? We have taken only seven out of thousands of beliefs, meaning that thousands of winners are at the same stage of life. No one knows what the truth is. This is the story of every Homo sapiens living in this world.
Beliefs and values are important to understand because they are central to our identity and guide our perception of the world. They shape how we interact with others, respond to events, and make decisions.
All winners stand on the same stage with different thoughts and beliefs. Now we divide them into different categories. It doesn’t matter by what names we call them all because they are all perfect in their own right. All are on the right path but all are wrong for each other. Come and see what each of the seven winners learned.
Now we see each winner’s dialogue.
Winner. Who am I? Who created me? Why was it created?
Society. You are a human being. God created for his worship.
Winner: Who told it all?
Society : A holy book given by God.
Winner :Who told that this is a holy book? : God himself told.
The winner goes to read the book and learn. That there is a God in
the universe who has created me for His worship. And the proof of
being a god is also found in this book.
Winner: But how can I believe that my beliefs are true?
Society: Because this is what we have always believed, and this is
our sacred book.
Winner: But what if I do not agree with the sacred book or society?
Society: Then you are wrong, and you need to follow what we
believe. Winner: But is it not limiting my freedom to think and
choose? Society: No, it is leading you to the right path. Winner: But
who decides what is the right way? Society: Our leaders, prophets
and sacred books. Winner: And who chose them? Society: God chose
them. Winner: But how do I know that? Society: Because this is
what we believe. The winner realizes that this is a circular
argument and there should be another basic way to understand the
truth. Winner: I need to look deeply.
The winner begins to find various philosophical and spiritual
traditions by seeking answers to the basic questions about
existence, reality and knowledge. Winner: What is the nature of
Philosophy: The reality is purely natural.
Winner: But what will happen to consciousness and mind?
Philosophy: These are just brain products.
Winner: But what will be the free will and choice?
Philosophy: These are illusions.
The winner continues to look for different views in search of a more
comprehensive understanding.
Winner: What is the nature of knowledge?
Philosophy: Knowledge is derived from sensory experience and
Winner: But what will happen to know the intuition and inward?
Philosophy: These are not credible sources of knowledge.
The winner begins to realize that each approach has its own
boundaries and prejudices.
Winner: I need to find more integrated understanding.
The winner knows the concept of unity and interconnection, which is beyond an individual point of view. Everything is connected, and the truth is not limited to one point. The winner realizes that this understanding is not only intellectual but also experimental. I need to experience this alliance directly.
The winner begins the journey to discover himself, meditation, meditation and other spiritual ways. I am not just an individual; I am a part of a big whole. The winner has a sense of solidarity and integrity with all existence. This is the truth that is beyond all perspective. The winner realizes that this understanding is not only personal but also universal. Everyone can experience this unity and truth.
The winner feels sympathetic and understanding for all creatures, regardless of their individual point of view. Winner: We are all connected, and we are all on the same journey. The winner’s journey falls throughout the circle, because they think the truth was inside them. Every conqueror has the same belief in unity. But as they move forward in life, they all have to face different beliefs. Some winners find that there are people who are sent by God for the good of mankind. These special humans have God’s message for all of humanity. These messages from God are different for some winners; Some taught that a certain person was the Son of God; Some are told that special humans are simply powers of God; Some have been told that the special man was only a man but a worshiper of God. Some conquerors believe that all things happen by themselves and that there is no God. Some believe that there is only one God who has established a covenant or special agreement with them. Their God comes down to us through prophets and punishes evil as well as rewards good deeds.
Every faith has a holy book, there are holy people from whom they knew about God. In the end everyone is best in their own beliefs.
But the question arises if all these beliefs are not his own, then how can the conquerors get their true beliefs which are facts.
What have their own ?Is there some thing to that any conquerors
have own?
FAITH Analyzing Methods.
Who is on the straight path, let’s talk about the beliefs of all the
. After further analysis, we can come to some points.
Comparative Analysis
1.Compare and contrast the basic beliefs and values of each
2. Analyze the similarities and differences in their concepts of God,
salvation, and the afterlife.
3. Examine the role of sacred texts, prophets, and spiritual leaders
in each religion.
Philosophical and Religious Discussions.
1. Discuss the issue of evil and suffering in the context of each
2. Explore the concept of free will and determinism in different
religious traditions.
3. Discuss the nature of God and the universe, including arguments
for and against the existence of God.
Cultural and Historical Context.
1. Describe the historical development and cultural context of each
2. Examine the impact of colonialism, imperialism, and
globalization on religious traditions.
3. Discuss the relationship between religion and politics, including
the rise of religious nationalism.
Interfaith Dialogue and Understanding .
1. Promote interfaith dialogue and understanding by highlighting
shared values and shared goals.
2. Discuss the challenges and opportunities of interfaith cooperation
in the modern world.
3. Explore the role of education and media in promoting religious
literacy and understanding.
Personal Reflection and Spiritual Practice.
1. Share personal reflection and spiritual practices from different
religious traditions.
2. Explore the role of meditation, prayer and ritual in spiritual
growth and development.
3. Discuss the importance of compassion, empathy and forgiveness
in spiritual practice.
Critical Thinking and Reflection.
1. Encourage critical thinking and reflection on the role of religion
in modern society.
2. Examine the tension between faith and reason and the
relationship between science and religion.
3. Discuss the challenges of religious pluralism and the need for
inclusive and respectful dialogue.
Christianity originated in the 1st century CE, based on the teachings
of Jesus Christ.It is on concepts of Trinity (Father, Son, Holy Spirit), salvation
through faith in Jesus, heaven and hell.Believes in Jesus the Son of God, died for humanity’s sins, and resurrected.The Bible (Old and New Testaments). Christianity emphasizes the importance of faith, love, and redemption.
Islam originated in the 7th century CE, based on the teachings of Prophet Muhammad.It believes in Monotheism (Tawhid), prophethood, revelation, and the Day of Judgment.According to Islam Muhammad is the final prophet, the Quran is the word of God, and submission to Allah is essential.The Quran (Book of God)and Hadith(Sayings of Muhammad).Islam emphasizes the importance of submission to Allah,compassion, and justice.
Hinduism originated in the Indian subcontinent over 4,000 years ago.Hinduism believes in Brahman (ultimate reality), Atman (individual self), karma, and reincarnation.The Vedas are sacred texts, and the goal is to achieve moksha (liberation).The Vedas, Upanishads, and Bhagavad Gita are Holy books of Hinduism.
Hinduism emphasizes the importance of self-realization, duty, and the cyclical nature of life.
Buddhism originated in the 6th century BCE, based on the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha). It believes in four Noble Truths, Eightfold Path, karma, and rebirth.Suffering is inherent in life, and the path to enlightenment is through mindfulness and meditation.The Pali Canon and Mahayana sutras are Holy books of Buddhism.Buddhism emphasizes the importance of mindfulness, compassion,and the attainment of nirvana.
Sikhism originated in the 15th century CE, based on the teachings of Guru Nanak(Aspiritual person).It also believes in monotheism, the importance of the Guru, and the pursuit of spiritual growth.The Guru Granth Sahib is the sacred text, and the goal is to achieve spiritual liberation.The Guru Granth Sahib is Holy book ho Sikhism
Sikhism emphasizes the importance of devotion, service, and the pursuit of spiritual growth.
Judaism originated in the Middle East over 3,000 years ago.It also believes in monotheism, the importance of the Torah, and thecovenant between God and the Jewish people.The Torah is the sacred text, and the goal is to follow God’s commandments.The Hebrew Bible (Tanakh) is Holy book in Judaism.Judaism emphasizes the importance of faith, obedience, and thepursuit of justice.
Taoism originated in ancient China, based on the teachings of Lao Tzu.The Tao (the ultimate reality), the importance of living in harmony with nature, and the pursuit of balance and harmony.The Tao Te Ching is the sacred text, and the goal is to achieve a state of effortless action (wu-wei).The Tao Te Ching is Holy book in Taoism.Taoism emphasizes the importance of living in harmony with nature, embracing simplicity, and pursuing balance and harmony.
Atheism is a philosophical and intellectual position that involves the absence or rejection of belief in the existence of gods or deities.Atheists do not believe in a higher power or supernatural entity that created or governs the universe.Atheism is not a belief system, but rather the absence or rejection of belief in gods or deities.
Atheists can be just as moral and compassionate as believers,without relying on supernatural or divine entities. Atheists often subscribe to naturalism, the idea that the universe and its phenomena can be explained by natural laws and principles. Atheists rely on reason, science, and empirical evidence to understand the world and the universe. Atheists can hold various philosophical, moral, and ethical perspectives, and may identify as humanists, secularists, or skeptics.
We can compare all these beliefs or religious with modern scientific facts. We can also compare the beliefs of the holy books with modern scientific theory. Which is related to nature or proven scientific facts.
If I am with an empty mind without any beliefs or religion, what comes to my mind first? The first thing that comes to my mind is how do I think? How do thoughts come to my mind? If I see myself as just a skeleton with blood and flesh. My head consists of a skull and a brain, from where, can I think or thoughts arise? Maybe it is.
Our actions, as I have already mentioned are through our senses.But thoughts can also come without consciousness. Yes, it is possibleto have thoughts arise in the mind without any senses. This is oftencalled “internally generated thoughts” or “endogenous thoughts”.Internally generated thoughts are a natural and essential aspect of human cognition, allowing us to reflect, create, and imagine without direct sensory input.
Research suggests that neural oscillations, particularly in the alpha,beta, and theta frequency bands, may contribute to internally generated thoughts.So, the question arises, are thoughts controllable? We may be able to reduce thoughts, but we cannot completely control them. While it is possible to calm the mind and reduce thoughts through various techniques, it is impossible to completely eliminate thoughts. The human brain is wired to think, and thoughts will continue to arise,even if we are not consciously aware of them. The DMN is a network of brain regions that is active when we are not paying attention to the external world. It is responsible for the constant flow of thoughts, memories, and brainwaves.
The brain is always active, even when we are not consciously thinking. Neurons
are constantly firing, and this activity can give rise to thoughts.We learned that we cannot control our thoughts, which means that we are also under someone else’s control. Can humans be controlled? Nothing in this world that is artificially created is
directly created by humans. It first arises in someone’s mind that something should be like this, then humans create it. So perhaps this makes our beliefs possible,so it can give rise to our thoughts, ideas, and beliefs, both with and without the senses. So we have to analyze from the above beliefs what their books say about the creation of thoughts.
Christians believe that thoughts originate in the mind, which is a gift from God (Genesis 2:7).
The Bible teaches that the heart influences thoughts and emotions
(Proverbs 4:23).
Christians believe that the Holy Spirit can guide and transform
thoughts (Romans 12:2).
Muslims believe that thoughts originate from Allah, who created the
universe and all living things (Quran 16:2).
In Islam, the nafs (self or ego) can influence thoughts and emotions
(Quran 75:2).
Muslims believe that the Quran provides guidance for thoughts and
actions (Quran 2:2).
Hindus believe that thoughts originate from the mind, which is a
manifestation of the ultimate reality, Brahman (Upanishads).
In Hinduism, the guans (qualities) of nature influence thoughts and
emotions (Bhagavad Gita 14:5).
Hindus believe that the atman (individual self) can realize its true
nature and transcend thoughts (Upanishads).
Buddhism believes that thoughts originate in the mind, which is
shaped by karma and conditioning (Dhammapada).
In Buddhism, the aggregates of form, feeling, perception, mental
structure, and consciousness influence thoughts and emotions
(Samyutta Nikaya).
Buddhists practice mindfulness to observe and transform thoughts
(Satipathana Sutta).
Sikhs believe that thoughts originate in the mind, which is a gift
from God (Guru Granth Sahib).
In Sikhism, the ego can influence thoughts and emotions, which
leads to separation from God (Guru Granth Sahib).
Sikhs believe that the guru (spiritual teacher) can guide and
transform thoughts (Guru Granth Sahib)..
Internally generated thoughts are a natural and essential aspect of human cognition, allowing us to reflect, create, and imagine without direct sensory input.Research suggests that neural oscillations, particularly in the alpha,beta, and theta frequency bands, may contribute to internally generated thoughts.
So the question arises, are thoughts controllable? We may be able to reduce thoughts, but we cannot completely control them. While it is possible to calm the mind and reduce thoughts through various techniques, it is impossible to completely eliminate thoughts. The human brain is wired to think, and thoughts will continue to arise, even if we are not consciously aware of them.
The DMN is a network of brain regions that is active when we are not paying attention to the external world. It is responsible for the constant flow of thoughts, memories, and brainwaves. The brain is always active, even when we are not consciously thinking. Neurons are constantly firing, and this activity can give rise to thoughts.The part of the brain that generates thoughts without any external input is often called the default mode network (DMN). The DMN is a network of brain regions that is active when we are not paying attention to the outside world and are engaged in introspection,mind wandering, or daydreaming.
Medial Prefrontal Cortex involved in self-referential thinking, introspection, and mind wandering.The Medial Prefrontal Cortex (mPFC) is located in the frontal lobe of
the brain, specifically in the medial (middle) region of the prefrontal cortex.The frontal lobe is one of the four major lobes of the brain,responsible for executive functions, decision-making, and motorcontrol. The Medial Prefrontal Cortex (mPFC) is located behind the forehead, approximately:2-3 cm behind the forehead1-2 cm above the eyebrows .In the middle (medial) area of the prefrontal cortex.
For a better idea, here is an approximation of the location of the mPFC.
Imagine a line drawn horizontally across the forehead,approximately at the level of the eyebrows. The mPFC would be located in the middle of the forehead, about 2-3 cm behind this line.We learned that we cannot control our thoughts, which means that we are also under someone else’s control. We are controlled by mPFc. Can humans be controlled? Nothing in this world that is artificially created is directly created by humans. It first arises in someone’s mind that something should be like this, then humans create it. So perhaps this makes our beliefs possible,so it can give rise to our thoughts, ideas, and beliefs, both with and without the senses. So we have to analyze from the above beliefs what their books say about the creation of thoughts.
Christians believe that thoughts originate in the mind, which is a
gift from God (Genesis 2:7).
The Bible teaches that the heart influences thoughts and emotions
(Proverbs 4:23).
Christians believe that the Holy Spirit can guide and transform
thoughts (Romans 12:2).
2. Islam
Muslims believe that thoughts originate from Allah, who created the
universe and all living things (Quran 16:2).
In Islam, the nafs (self or ego) can influence thoughts and emotions
(Quran 75:2).
Muslims believe that the Quran provides guidance for thoughts and
actions (Quran 2:2).
Quran says “We have seized you by the forehead”.(54:48).
3. Hinduism
Hindus believe that thoughts originate from the mind, which is a
manifestation of the ultimate reality, Brahman (Upanishads).
In Hinduism, the gunas (qualities) of nature influence thoughts and
emotions (Bhagavad Gita 14:5).
Hindus believe that the atman (individual self) can realize its true
nature and transcend thoughts (Upanishads).
4. Buddhism
Buddhism believes that thoughts originate in the mind, which is
shaped by karma and conditioning (dhammapada).
In Buddhism, the aggregates of form, feeling, perception, mental
structure, and consciousness influence thoughts and emotions
(Samyutta Nikaya).
Buddhists practice mindfulness to observe and transform thoughts
(Satipathana Sutta).
5. Sikhism
Sikhs believe that thoughts originate in the mind, which is a gift
from God (Guru Granth Sahib).
In Sikhism, the ego can influence thoughts and emotions, which
leads to separation from God (Guru Granth Sahib).
Sikhs believe that the guru (spiritual teacher) can guide and
transform thoughts (Guru Granth Sahib).
Let Compare them with modern Scientific Facts.
Christianity, Judaism, and Sikhism
These religions attribute the creation of thoughts to a higher power
or divine influence, which is not directly supported by modern
scientific facts.
In Islam, it attributes the creation of thoughts to a higher power or
divine influence, which is not directly supported by modern
scientific facts.
But when we find that there is someone who says that we have
controlled you or that we have seized you by the forehead.
There is a verse in the Quran that uses the phrase “We have seized
you by the forehead”. It is found in Surah Al-Qamar (54:48).
“Forelock” (Arabic: “Nasiyah”) refers to the front of the head. The
hair that grows on the forehead. Frontal hair: The part of the head
that includes the forehead, eyebrows, and frontal hair.
It explains thoughts as originating from the mind, influenced by
karma and conditioning, and emphasizes the role of mindfulness in
seeing and changing thoughts.
is concerned with the concept of spontaneous mental activity and
the influence of the natural world on thoughts, as described in the
Tao Te Ching.
Touches on the idea of thoughts arising from the mind and the
influence of the gunas (qualities) of nature.
From all the analysis I reach the point of the Quranic verse which
says that We control you by the forehead. Then the question arises
what are we? Who is behind it. Then I will go carelessly and read
the Quranic script which means to write. When I go to find out who
we are? The Quran says that “We” are one God. And in Arabic God is
called Allah. From the Quranic verse Allah! There is no god but He,
the Ever-Living, the Ever-Sustaining. Meaning this is actually the
word Allah as a common noun but when we use any noun it
becomes a proper noun. For example, book is a common noun but if
we add al after it becomes al-kitab. A specific book.
So what does هَلٰإِ mean? We recognize its creator. In Arabic, the word
“)إله( “إله has a grammatical connection with the concept of control
or management.
The word “إله” is derived from the Arabic root “)ح-ل-ا( “ه ل أ, which
has the sense of control, management or direction.
Grammatical Analysis
In Arabic grammar, the word “إله” is classified as a noun that
denotes a controller, manager or director. This is reflected in the
morphology of the word, where the suffix “-ah” indicates a noun
that denotes a controller or manager.
As all the above analyses show, we are controlled by someone else
from our forehead. If I conclude with my small mind that Allah is
our controller. Suppose Allah is our controller then I have learned
and analyzed more scientific facts on this script than Islam.
Muslims believe that the Quran is the literal word of Allah as
revealed to the Prophet Muhammad through the angel Gabriel. It
was revealed over a period of about 23 years, beginning in 610 CE.
The Quran is considered a divine revelation, not a work authored
by Muhammad or any human.
The Prophet Muhammad is regarded as the last messenger in Islam,
and while he recited the Quranic verses, he is not seen as the
author. It is believed that the Quran is directly from God, with the
prophets acting as a conduit for its transmission. After the
revelations, his companions (sahaba) memorized and wrote down
the verses, which were later compiled into the Quran in its current
form during the reign of Caliph Uthman in the 7th century CE.
Then I was wonder to know about Birmingham Quran
Manuscript. This manuscript, held at the University of Birmingham,
is considered one of the oldest surviving fragments of the Quran.
Radiocarbon dating dates it to between 568 and 645 CE, which is
very close to the lifetime of the Prophet Muhammad (who died in
632 CE). The manuscript contains parts of Surah Al-Kahf, Surah
Maryam and Surah Taha and is written in a style of script known as
the Hijazi script.
The Ottoman Caliphate (the reign of Caliph Uthman ibn Affan)
lasted from 644 CE to 656 CE. Uthman was the third Caliph of the
Rashidun Caliphate after Caliph Umar ibn Al-Khattab.
But the carbon dating of this script does not match the reign of
Caliph Uthman. This is another point that its carbon dating may be
wrong or the date written according to Muslims was wrong.
But the teachings given in this book are more in line with nature
and modern scientific facts, which means that this book and Allah
are to be believed.
If I follow this book and believe in Allah, I will have to collect more
evidence about my creation and the creation of the universe and
compare all of them with modern scientific facts which I will write
in my part 2. This script is because many holy scriptures are older
than this Quran but who will tell me better about Quran. Muslims
say that there are scholars who are good at understanding Quran
but my point of view is that if Allah is my creator and Quran is the
words of Allah then my creator should speak to me directly.